The Aesthetic Grace: December 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve 2014

It is hard to believe another year has come and gone. However, a new year brings hope, dreams and goals. I am thankful 2013 was a year full of traveling, meeting new people, and creating more memories with family, friends and my boyfriend. The new year is a clear slate for goal settings, new adventures and a hopeful and prosperous career. Time seems to go by so fast each year and it encourages me to start thinking more into my future. I begin to think, what are my plans and what do I want out of life? 2014, is my year to prosper and gain positivity. Life is to short for the would have, could have, should have. Stop making excuses and just do things! Start the year right with new resolutions and goals to achieve. Leave 2013 in the past and don't look back. Be hopeful for what your future has in store for you. When the clock strikes 12 what will you be hopeful for?


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Festivities

Made White Choclate and peppermint Oreo Truffles along with Milk Chocolate Oreo Truffles. They are so easy to make and the best part, no baking! Quick and simple and perfect for the little ones to help you make! 

Christmas attire with my best friend, and the most creative and talented person I know, my mother.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Silk and Leather? Don't Mind If I Do!

{Jessica Simpson Blouse, Amsterdam Clothing Pleated Skirt, Dolce Vita Wedge Shoes, Michael Kors Jewelry, MAC Reed Lipstick} 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Stuffed Mushroom Bites

Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe:

Total time: 30 minutes

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 20-25



1 cup  Mayonnaise

1 cup  Sour Crème

1/2 cup  Crème Cheese

1/3  cup Ranch Dressing

1 tbsp  Italian Seasoning (dry or fresh)

1 tbsp  Oregano

1 tbsp  Parsley

1/3 cup  Breadcrumbs

¼ cup  Parmesean Cheese

1 tbsp Minced Garlic

1 pack of bacon

28 Mushrooms




Preheat the oven to 375 degrees


1.   In a food processor mix the mayonnaise, sour crème and crème cheese until blended.

2.   Next, Add the ranch dressing and seasonings. Then pulse the machine

3.   Lastly, add the breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese

4.   Take a spoonful of the mixture and scoop into the mushrooms

5.   Take about a half a slice or whole slice (your preference) of bacon and wrap it around the mushroom. Stick with a toothpick to hold it all together.

6.   After doing step 5, line the mushrooms on a greased cooking sheet.

7.  Place in the oven for about 20-25 minutes at 375 degrees until bacon is cooked.

8.  Let cool and enjoy!



When it came down to what to cook for Thanksgiving, I had to think of something my family (picky eaters) would enjoy.  I remember last year I made stuffed mushrooms and they turned out very dry.  I decided to give it another whirl. Besides, practice makes perfect.  And I must say these little mushroom bites are quite delicious.


I was pondering my ingredients when I chose to just pull out condiments from the refrigerator. There was some logic behind my random pulling. I needed ingredients that would keep the mushrooms moist and blend together well.


Once I had the ingredients blended in the food processor I tried a small sample. They tasted perfect!  When the mushrooms were finally all filled , the next step was to wrap them all in bacon.  In my household we always keep bacon in the fridge.  It is almost a necessity and what doesn’t taste good wrapped in bacon?


Now, the oven is nice and hot and ready for the mushrooms.  I left them in the oven for about 20 minutes until the bacon is cooked.


These little stuffed mushroom bites were a crowd pleaser this year! Even the pickiest of eaters enjoyed my stuffed mushrooms. The best part is they are so simple to make!